• September is National Gum Care Month!
    Can you believe it's already September? At Rocco Ciccone MS. DDS, we know that gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, can be difficult to recognize. Many people don’t recognize Read more
  • Happy Labor Day!
    Labor Day is upon us, and that means the non-official end to summer. Before the kids head back to school and temperatures start to cool down, this is your last Read more
  • When was your last dental checkup?
    While the doctor and our team tell you daily oral hygiene habits, such as brushing and flossing, are essential to optimal oral health, regular dental checkups at Rocco Ciccone MS. Read more
  • Suffer from tooth discoloration? Don’t panic!
    Like many other parts of the human body, teeth age. You may look at old photos and realize your smile was significantly brighter in the past than it is now. Read more
  • Five Clues That It’s Time to Replace Your Toothbrush
    Your dashboard lights up when you need an oil change. Your smoke detector beeps when you need to switch out the batteries. But when it’s time to replace your toothbrush, Read more
  • Hot Day? Three Drinks to Leave Home When You’re Packing the Cooler
    Whew! It’s a hot one! And whenever the temperature soars, you need to stay hydrated, especially when you’re outside or exercising. But all cold drinks aren’t equal when it comes Read more
  • Top Five Dental Myths
    Sometimes the line between fact and fiction is easily blurred. This is certainly the case when it comes to dentistry, where myths and misconceptions abound. In a bid to put Read more
  • I haven’t been to the dentist in years; what should I expect?
    Time flies when we are not at the dentist! Before you know it, years may have gone by. Let’s take a moment to explain what takes place when a patient Read more
  • Common Emergency Care Visits: Toothaches and Abscesses
    You never know when a dental problem may arise. Unfortunately, they don’t necessarily occur during office hours. the doctor can provide you with the proper information and treatment options to Read more
  • Tell us about your summer!
    The dog days of summer are upon us, and what better time for the doctor and our team to ask our patients about their summer! Whether you visited our nation’s capital, Read more
  • Happy Fourth of July
    Every year, Americans all over the world celebrate the birth of the country and its independence on the Fourth of July. There are countless ways that people celebrate and they Read more
  • Do I lose my wisdom if I lose my wisdom teeth?
    The third molars have long been known as your “wisdom teeth,” because they are the last teeth to erupt from the gums – usually sometime during the late teens to Read more
  • Eco-Friendly Toothbrushes
    When it comes to dental hygiene, “going green” is not the first phrase that comes to mind. But if you are brushing properly, you are also replacing your toothbrush every Read more